Approximately 10 to 12 Youth + Co-ordinators turned up. Fr Ivo was away, and Bro Johnson was writing an examination. The meeting had been planned in advance.
The Readers were confirmed.
We had singing practice. Fr Vinod taught us new hymns. There would be another practice on 29th Nov.
All youth were requested to come for evening mass instead of morning mass
The youth have agreed to go for Carol Singing from 14th December onwards.
Youth have decided to put up two items for the academy
There will be one solo item
2nd item will be a group song. Youth interested for this are Craig, Sharol, Philbert, Keith, Yannick, Ansilon, Nikhil, Ross and Rochelle.
Jackson said others can join him for a 7 day retreat at Pota
This is tentative, details have to be fixed
The youth were interested in having a recollection before Christmas when asked if they would like a recollection as recommended by Fr. Ivo C.
They would be happy to have a Priest from the neighbouring Parishes for Confessions
Youth are interested in making the “Star” and “Old Man”
Youth do not want to do the crib as it becomes difficult to do all 4 ie a} Carol Singing b} Star c} Old Man & d} Crib. Hence Youth do not want to do the crib. Yet its confirmed that they will do the Star and the Old Man.
The Meeting ended with Prayers.
(Minutes by Shrivastwa Sushma)
The working of the Holy Spirit
1 day ago